Home Euthanasia
Compassionate and Understanding At Home Euthanasia For Your Pet
Few places feel as safe, secure, and comfortable as their home, for your pet. Visits to a veterinary clinic are often accompanied with stress and anxiety. Most owner's prefer that their pet's last moments are as stress and anxiety free as possible, and remaining in your family's comfortable surroundings during this tough time allows your pet and you a peaceful, quiet, less stressful transition. Being able to grieve in the privacy of your own home is far preferable to waiting in a busy veterinary clinic. Your other pets will also know their companion has passed. In home euthanasia for your pet is a caring and humane loving gift that you can give to your beloved friend who has given you a lifetime of friendship.
The Process
Call to schedule an appointment and the receptionist will gather information such as your name, address, phone number and your pet's name, sex and weight, give you an estimate of the cost and process the bill via credit card. We insist on pre-paying so that you have one less stress during euthanasia. Once scheduled you are set. You can also talk to a veterinarian if needed.
Arrival & Preparation
At the appointed time the doctor and assistant will arrive, greet you and your pet and discuss your reasons for euthanasia and any available diagnostic or treatment options if you so desire. You will need to sign a euthanasia authorization form. The doctor and assistant will then place an intravenous catheter so they have access to a vein. Sedation may be needed in rare instances or you can request sedation.
Once everything is in place, and you are ready, our doctors will administer the euthanasia solution. Our doctors will listen to your pet's heart and will let you know when your pet has passed. This is a peaceful painless process.
Cremation & Memorials
The Pet Hospital of Penasquitos uses Peaceful Paws for cremation. Our doctors can take your pet's body after you have chosen either a private cremation, where you receive your pet's ashes, or a communal cremation where you do not receive any ashes.
Owner After Care
You may keep your pet's body and arrange for your own cremation services or for home burial on your property, if local ordinances allow it. It is recommended you bury your pet with at least 3 feet of soil above it.
Pet Loss Support
We know losing a member of your family is difficult and traumatic and dealing with the loss of a special companion is never easy. There is a normal grieving process that everyone must go through, although we all experience and deal with grief in different ways. You are welcome to call or to stop by to talk to Dr. Boyer about your feelings. As well as resources that you may find helpful in the San Diego Area and throughout the United States.
Pet Loss Support Hotlines
San Diego County Pet Bereavement Program 2058 Oxford Ave. Cardiff, CA 92007 (760) 436-6798 Fax: (760) 436-6798 www.petbereavement.com Contact: Lorri Greene, Ph.D. The San Diego Pet Bereavement Program offers support and counseling for those pet owners who have lost or are anticipating the loss of a pet. Free telephone consultations and low cost counseling is available by a licensed psychologist.
Pet Loss Counseling, Center for Effective Living 9815 Carroll Canyon Rd., San Diego, CA 92131 (858) 566-3333 Contact: Meg Kaufman, MFCC Meg Kaufman is a marriage, family, and child counselor in private practice. Her specialties include bereavement counseling, especially for animal loss. She works with children, adolescents and adults and is available to speak to groups concerning the loss of a pet. Her background includes counseling in schools, hospices, outpatient psychiatric facilities and in private practice. She is also a certified animal lover!
Pet Loss Support Group San Diego Humane Society and SPCA 5500 Gaines Street, San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 299-7012 x 2311 www.sdhumane.org One weekend morning and one weekday evening session per month The Pet Loss Support Group is open to those ages 12 and up, including pet parents who are considering or preparing for euthanasia. Thanks to support from the San Diego Pet Memorial Park, sessions are free. Donations are appreciated.
Chicago VMA www.chicagovma.org, 630-325-1600
Colorado State University, Argus Institute http://csu-cvmbs.colostate.edu/vth/diagnostic-and-support/argus/Pages/default.aspx, 970-297-1242
Cornell University https://www2.vet.cornell.edu, 607-253-3932
University of Illinois http://vetmed.illinois.edu, 217-244-CARE (2273) or 877-394-CARE (2273)
Michigan State University https://cvm.msu.edu, 517-432-2696
P&G Pet Care, Pet Loss Support Hotline 888-332-7738
University of Pennsylvania, Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital http://www.vet.upenn.edu/veterinary-hospitals/ryan-veterinary-hospital/services/grief-support-social-services, 215-898-4556
University of Tennessee www.vet.utk.edu/socialwork, 865-755-8839
Tufts University http://vet.tufts.edu, 508-839-7966
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine http://www.vetmed.vt.edu, 540-231-8038
Washington State University http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu, 509-335-5704 or 866-266-8635
Saying Good-bye to the Pet You Love Lorri Greene, PhD and Jacquelyn Landis, New Harbinger Publications, 2002. Also see San Diego County Pet Bereavement Program
Coping with the Loss of a Pet Christina M. Lemieux, Wallace R. Clark, 1992
Living Through Personal Crisis Ann Kaiser Stearns, Ballantine, 1984
Maya's First Rose Martin Scott Kosins, Open Sky Books, 1992
When Your Pet Dies: How to Cope with Your Feelings J. Quackenbush & D. Graveline, Simon & Schuster, 1985 (out of print check library)
Especially for Children:
Lifetimes B. Mellonie & R. Ingpen, Bantam Books, 1983
Oh, Where Has My Pet Gone? Sally Sibbett, B. Libby Press, 1991
Pet Loss: A Thoughtful Guide for Adults and Children H.A. Nieburg & A. Fisher, Harper & Row, 1982 (out of print - check library)
The Tenth Good Thing About Barney Judith Viorst, Aladdin Books, 1975
Delta Society - www.deltasociety.org, counselors, groups, websites, memorials, articles, and a comprehensive bereavement directory Pet Loss Help - www.petlosshelp.org, memorials, articles, pet stories, reference links
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement, www. APLR.org, Free groups, websites, memorials, articles
HealthyPets.com (AAHA) dealing with the loss of a pet